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250 international students visit rural China

(Reporter: Hong Bin)Yucun is a village in Anji County of Huzhou City in the northern Zhejiang Province. There, President Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of ‘Two Mountains Theory’.It has been listed into the first group of the Best Tourism Villages by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China

On November 26, ‘A Field Visit to the Beautiful Countryside’ for foreign young people was held in Yucun Village of Anji County. The event was co-sponsored by Zhejiang Conservatory of Music and the People’s Government of Anji County. More than 250 international students from 59 countries participated. They are students from 10 universities in Zhejiang Province, including Zhejiang University, China Academy of Art, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Zhejiang A&F University, Zhejiang University of Science & Technology, Hangzhou Normal University, and Zhejiang Conservatory of Music.

Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China
Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China

In the widely recognized ‘most beautiful countryside’ of China, these young people found themselves captivated by the pleasant scenery and refreshing air. They couldn’t help but shower praises upon the friendly and industrious villagers as well as their prosperous life. Strolling along the renovated country road, these students couldn’t resist capturing the surrounding beauty with their cameras. They posted tweets or shared short videos to share their excitement and joy with their loved ones overseas.

Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China

Qinglaiji is a local business incubator in Anji County. It boasts a beautiful community environment, perfect supporting facilities and a convenient lifestyle. It is also home to bustling young talents and college students, as well as a hub for incubating creative ideas. During their visit to Qinglaiji, students had the opportunity to learn about the global partners program of Yucun Village, and praised Qinglaiji as a warm and emotionally-charged gathering place for ambitious youth.

Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China

At the Yucun Village Exhibition Hall, the students got the chance to delve into the dramatic change of Yucun Village and the secret to successfully building China’s beautiful countryside. They bluntly expressed that China’s countryside is incredibly beautiful. Everything they encountered here was exactly what they had imagined it would be.

Over 250 International Students from 59 Countries Visit the most Beautiful Countryside in China

On that afternoon, these international students attended the opening concert of China (Anji) Beautiful Countryside Music Festival. Ms. Zhang Chenghui from Malaysia and Ms. Anna Shatilova from Ukraine, both studying at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, sang two songs, ‘You Exist in My Song’ and ‘Pilot’, at the opening concert. Through the universal language of music, their performances created a bridge for fostering people-to-people bonds and promoting mutual learning among civilizations worldwide.



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